

This blog is also compromised of two other problem-facing designers named Peggy Wang & Nakisa Kachingwe. Both of these amazing girls have been with me through the thick and thin of our program & they are very patient with me and my many demands.
 I asked them to contribute so that this blog has a more diverse and encompassing view of the world & its fashions. All three of us have different body types, are part of different ethnic groups, and have totally different wardrobes and styles. I want you all to be able to relate to 'Designer Problems' and feel like you really do get inspiration for every day fashion from us!

 Peggy Wang

Peggy Wang is a second generation Chinese-American student in Creative Design. She enjoys thrift shopping like a beast, long boarding, and complaining about how much homework and little sleep we get as design students. Peggy is my lovely room mate and cooks delicious food all the time, but is 'too lazy' to cook & do a lot of stuff she wants to (her words, not mine).

Peggy is a hard working and creative individual with only a little motivation to do stuff, but she still cranks out some awesome ideas and designs.  Trust me, this girl is full of oxy morons and contradictions.


Nakisa Kachingwe

Nakisa is a Creative Design student who was born to walk the runway. Sure, she watches a little too much netflix in her free time, but everyone has their addictions. Nakisa loves bargain hunting and finding the latest and greatest fashions out there. Acclaimed selfie queen & Chai Tea latte advocate, you can never keep this girl down.

Nakisa may not be the life of the party every night, but when she gets out there, she rocks any stretch of ground like a runway in Milan.

Instagram: nakikaching


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